من أنا

الاثنين، 12 يناير 2009

رحلة معرفية عن الوجبات السريعة (web quest fast food)

الحمدلله انتهى الكورس على خير ويسعدني أن أرفق لكم الويب كويست الخاص بمجموعتنا والذي كان موضوعه عن الفاست فود.

Day after day the rapid proliferation of fast food restaurants is increasing. And the demand of people to those restaurants is more increasing. To find out the reasons behind this is that many people because of busy schedules and a variety of other reasons rely on fast food restaurants as their primary source of sustenance. Good or bad there are many to choose from and each has its good points and bad points. What would happen if we stopped and prevent the proliferation of fast food restaurants?
The object of this web quest is to identify the general point of view of fast food from four main areas: health, customer, economic and nutrition.


There are two tasks

Task-One: Is to use Internet links on the World Wide Web to find out information and an over view of fast food on how to effect the four main areas which are: health, customer, nutrition and economic.
To start:
· Divide students to work in groups. Each group contains four members.
· Each group is required to complete the tasks.
· Each member in the group will cover one of the four main areas.

Task-Two: The groups will require creating a posture by using the information of the four main areas they collected from the internet. The poster will be displayed in the school. (Each group will make a presentation about their poster at the end of the second class).


Student #1
Will give a full picture of the affection of fast food on health!

Dear student click this link

Then read this article and answer these questions.
What are the harmful effects of fast food? (you should find at least 3)



Then click this link and read the last paragraph to answer the question.


Find out the real ingredients of the fast food and listed below? (you should find 3)

Will talk about the consumer’s general picture of fast food.

Dear student click this link and read the first paragraph to answer the question


Why do many people eat fastfood instead homemade food?(you should find 3)

Click the below link and answer the following questions
1. Why is fast food so popular in US?
2. Some people eat much more than others, but still don't put on weight, Why?
3. If you want to lose weight, what should you do?
4. What are fast food meals high in?
5. Is it possible to eat well in a fast food restaurant?

Will talk about the fast food from the Economic side.

Dear student click this link


Then click social responsibility and read this article then answer the question below.
How does McDonalds in UAE affect the local economy? (you should find at least 4)



What is the active community that McDonald supports? (you should find at least 3)

Then click World Children Day and answer this question.
How does McDonald play in World Children Day?

Will talk about the fast food from the Nutrition side and how should make it healthier.
Dear student click this link
Read the article and answer this question.
What are the “ 5 “ ways to cut down some of the calories and extra fat in many fast food options?
In this comparison site please select a restaurant by clicking on the tab. Then click the menu item tab to select the 5 fast food items that you want to compare and it will provide you with the total calories and fat.
Your Meal
Total Calories
Total Fat
After complete task one all groups should discuss the information you collect and work together to make a poster in the whole of school.(each group will make a presentation about their poster at the end of second class).


Task Completion
Student did not answer question.
Student answered some questions.
Student answered most questions.
Student answered all questions.

Time Management

Most of the work is not done on time.
Some of the work is done on time
Most of the work is done on time.
All the work is done on time.

Working with team
Student did not work effectively with group.
Student cooperated with group, but needed prompting to stay on-task.
Student was an engaged partner but had trouble listening to others and/or working cooperatively with the group.
Student was an engaged partner, listening to suggestions of others and working cooperatively throughout lesson.

Posture and presentation
Most of the information is not covered in the posture. The presentation was not presented in good way.
Some of the information is covered in the posture. The presentation was presented in good way.
Most of the information is covered in the posture. The presentation was presented in creative way.
All of the information is covered in the posture. The presentation was presented in creative way.

After completing this exercise you will be able to give a general overview of fast food and identify the general points of view of fast food from the four main areas: health, customer, economic and nutrition. With these activities you should have worked really hard to be an expert on how to use the internet to find the useful information in certain time, share them to your group and summarized it in posture to expose all the work you done then present it in creative way.


1) http://www.buzzle.com/articles/fast-food-facts-effects-of-fast-food.html
2) http://www.oppapers.com/essays/Fast-Food/57340
3) http://www.oppapers.com/essays/Fast-Food/57340
4) http://www.isabelperez.com/fastfood.htm
5) http://www.mcdonaldsarabia.com/english/uae/index.asp
6) http://www.betterbodz.com/library/fastfood.html
7) http://www.betterbodz.com/library/fastfood.html
8) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/flash/health/caloriecounter/counter.htm

الأحد، 11 يناير 2009

ألعاب تعليمية لمادة الرياضيات للصف الأول ابتدائي

لطالما أحببت أن أضيف شيئا في مدونتي يستفيد احد منه ولو كان شخص واحد فهذا بالنسبة لي إنجاز أن أجد من يدخل لمدونتي ويحصل منها على شيء مفيد، فمنذ بداية الكورس وانا ادون انطباعاتي في الكلاس والأمور التي استفدت متها، هذا جيد ولكن قد يتساءل البعض وما حاجتنا نحن لإنطباعاتك في الكلاس، فأرد وأقول لهم لقد كانت هذه هي البداية ولكن ومنذ الآن أعدكم أن أعمل جهدي لأطور هذه المدونة وأضيف فيها كل ما هو مفيد وجديد وممتع للتعليم وللطلاب.
وهذه هي نماذج لبعض الألعاب التعليمية
هذه الألعاب لمادة الرياضيات للصف الأول

في الختام: شكراً جزيلا لك يا أستاذي وشكراً جزيلا لكي يا أستاذتي

الويب كويست

الويب كويست وآآآآه من الويب كويست على الرغم من المعاناة التي مرت بي في بداية الموضوع إلا أنني سعيدة جدا جدا لتعلمي لهذه الطريقة الجيدة والمنمية فعلا لأفكار الطلاب، حيث وبعد عدة مناقشات وقع الاختيار على موضوع الوجبات السريعة وأثرها على الطلاب، قمنا خلال الاجتماع بعرض مجموعة من الاقتراحات منها إننا سنبدأ المقدمة بعرض فيديو لأطفال يأكلون في مطعم للوجبات السريعة كطريقة لجذب انتباه الطلاب للموضوع، ومن ثم تطرقنا إلى المهمة والتي ستكون عبارة عن مهمتان الأولى جمع المعلومات والثانية مناقشتها وعرضها على الطلاب، حيث ستكون المناقشة من خلال تناول الموضوع من الناحية الصحية والاجتماعية الاقتصادية والمستهلك، ثم التقييم وأخيرا الخاتمة والتي تتضمن الوصول إلى الهدف الذي أعد من أجهله الويب كويست.
لا أدري هل ستتيح لي الفرصة لأطبق الويب كويست خلال حياتي العملية؟!! أتمنى فعلا.. لأن مناقشة الطلاب لموضوع معين ينمي لديهم المعرفة والجرأة والمنافسة فكل واحد منهم يحاول إقناع الآخر بوجهة نظره، ويختلف هنا دور الأستاذ من ملقن للمعلومة إلى مدير لنقاشات ومباحثات للمعلومة.

ويسرني ان أعرض عليكم بعض المواقع التي أفادتني فعلا خلال رحلتي المعرفية عن الوجبات السريعة